Class Struct Reference

#include <Class.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

VM representation of Java class.

This class contains methods for parsing classes, querying class properties, setting external properties of a class (source file name, class file name), calling the verifier, preparing, resolving and initializing the class.

Public Member Functions

void init_internals (const Global_Env *env, const String *name, ClassLoader *cl)
 Initializes class-member variables to their initial values.
void clear_internals ()
 Clears member variables within a class.
bool has_super_class () const
 Determines whether the given class has a super class.
const Stringget_super_class_name () const
 Gets the name of the super class.
Classget_super_class () const
 Gets the super class of the given class.
ClassLoader * get_class_loader () const
 Gets the class loader of the given class.
ManagedObject ** get_class_handle () const
 Gets the class handle of java.lang.Class for the given class.
const Stringget_name () const
 Gets the natively interned class name for the given class.
Stringget_java_name ()
 Gets a natively interned class name for the given class.
Stringget_signature () const
 Gets a class signature.
Stringget_simple_name ()
 Gets a simple name of the class.
Package * get_package () const
 Gets a package containing the given class.
int get_depth () const
 Gets depth in the hierarchy of the given class.
bool get_fast_instanceof_flag () const
VTable * get_vtable () const
 Gets the vtable for the given class.
Allocation_Handle get_allocation_handle () const
 Gets an allocation handle for the given class.
size_t get_source_file_name_length ()
 Gets the length of the source-file name.
const char * get_source_file_name ()
 Gets a source-file name.
Method * get_method_from_vtable (unsigned method_idx) const
 Gets a method localed at method_idx in the m_vtable_descriptors table.
unsigned get_number_of_virtual_method_entries () const
 Returns the number of virtual methods in vtable.
Classget_first_child () const
 Gets the first subclass for Class Hierarchy Analysis.
Classget_next_sibling () const
 Return the next sibling for Class Hierarchy Analysis.
size_t get_offset_of_fast_allocation_flag ()
 Gets an offset of m_is_fast_allocation_possible in the class.
size_t get_offset_of_allocation_handle ()
 Gets an offset of m_allocation_handle in the class.
size_t get_offset_of_instance_data_size ()
 Gets an offset of m_instance_data_size in the class.
unsigned char get_number_of_dimensions () const
 Gets the number of array dimensions.
Classget_array_base_class () const
 Gets the base class of the array (for non-primitive arrays only).
Classget_array_element_class () const
 Gets the class of the array element.
TypeDesc * get_array_element_type_desc () const
 Gets the array-element type descriptor.
Class_State get_state () const
 Gets the class state.
uint16 get_number_of_superinterfaces () const
 Gets a number of superinterfaces.
const Stringget_superinterface_name (uint16 index) const
 Gets a super-interface name from the array of super-interfaces that the given class implements.
Classget_superinterface (uint16 index) const
 Gets a superinterface from the array of superinterfaces the given class implements.
ConstantPoolget_constant_pool ()
 Gets a constant pool of the given class.
uint16 get_number_of_fields () const
 Gets a number of fields in the given class.
uint16 get_number_of_static_fields () const
 Gets a number of static fields in the given class.
Field * get_field (uint16 index) const
 Gets a field from the given class by its position in the class-fields array.
void * get_static_data_address () const
 Gets an address of the memory block containing static data of the given class.
uint16 get_number_of_methods () const
 Gets a number of methods in the given class.
Method * get_method (uint16 index) const
 Gets a method from the given class by its position in the class-method array.
uint16 get_declaring_class_index () const
 Gets a constant-pool index of the declaring class.
uint16 get_enclosing_class_index () const
 Gets a constant-pool index of the enclosing class.
uint16 get_enclosing_method_index () const
 Gets a constant-pool index of the enclosing method.
uint16 get_number_of_inner_classes () const
 Gets a number of inner classes.
uint16 get_inner_class_index (uint16 index) const
 Gets an index in the constant pool of the given class, which describes the inner class.
uint16 get_inner_class_access_flags (uint16 index) const
 Gets access flags for the inner class.
AnnotationTable * get_annotations () const
 Gets a collection of annotations.
AnnotationTable * get_invisible_annotations () const
 Gets a collection of invisible annotations.
unsigned int get_allocated_size () const
 Gets a class instance size.
unsigned int get_instance_data_size () const
unsigned int get_array_element_size () const
 Gets the array-alement size.
unsigned get_id () const
 Gets the class ID.
uint16 get_version () const
 Gets major version of class file.
uint16 get_access_flags () const
 Gets access and properties flags of the given class.
bool is_primitive () const
 Checks whether the given class represents the primitive type.
bool is_array () const
 Checks whether the given class represents an array.
bool is_array_of_primitives () const
 Checks whether the base class of the given array is primitive.
bool is_public () const
 Checks whether the class has the ACC_PUBLIC flag set.
bool is_private () const
 Checks whether the class has the ACC_PUBLIC flag set.
bool is_protected () const
 Checks whether the class has the ACC_PUBLIC flag set.
bool is_final () const
 Checks whether the class has the ACC_FINAL flag set.
bool is_super () const
 Checks whether the class has the ACC_SUPER flag set.
bool is_interface () const
 Checks whether the class has the ACC_INTERFACE flag set.
bool is_abstract () const
 Checks whether the class has the ACC_ABSTRACT flag set.
bool is_enum () const
 Checks whether the class is enum, that is the ACC_ENUM flag is set.
bool is_synthetic () const
 Checks whether the class has the ACC_SYNTHETIC flag set.
bool is_annotation () const
 Checks whether the class is an annotation.
bool has_finalizer () const
 Checks whether the given class has a finalizer.
bool is_inner_class () const
 Checks whether the given class is an inner class of some other class.
bool can_access_inner_class (Global_Env *env, Class *inner_class)
 Checks whether the given class can access inner_class.
bool can_access_member (Class_Member *member)
 Checks whether the given class can access a member class.
bool has_source_information () const
 Checks whether the given class has a source-file name available.
bool is_initializing () const
 Checks whether the given class is in the process of initialization.
bool is_initialized () const
 Checks whether the class is initialized.
bool in_error () const
 Checks whether the class is in the error state.
bool is_at_least_prepared () const
 Checks whether the given class has a passed preparation stage.
bool is_instanceof (Class *clss)
 Checks whether the given class represents a class that is a subtype of clss, according to the Java instance of rules.
void set_class_file_name (const char *cf_name)
 FIXME: all setter functions must be rethought to become private or to be removed altogether, if possible.
void set_instance_data_size_constraint_bit ()
 Sets instance data size constraint bit to let the allocation know there are constraints on the way instance should be allocated.
void set_class_handle (ManagedObject **oh)
 Sets a class handle of java.lang.Class for the given class.
bool parse (Global_Env *env, ByteReader &cfs)
 Constructs internal representation of a class from the byte array (defines class).
bool load_ancestors (Global_Env *env)
 Loads a super class and super interfaces of the given class.
bool verify (const Global_Env *env)
 Verifies bytecodes of the class.
bool verify_constraints (const Global_Env *env)
 Verifies constraints for the given class collected during the bytecodes verification.
void setup_as_primitive (ClassLoader *cl)
 Setups the given class as representing a primitive type.
void setup_as_array (Global_Env *env, unsigned char num_dimensions, bool isArrayOfPrimitives, Class *baseClass, Class *elementClass)
 Sets up the given class as representing an array.
bool prepare (Global_Env *env)
 Prepares a class:.
Class_resolve_class (Global_Env *env, unsigned cp_index)
 Resolves a constant-pool entry to a class.
Classresolve_declaring_class (Global_Env *env)
 Resolves a declaring class.
Field * _resolve_field (Global_Env *env, unsigned cp_index)
 Resolves a field in the constant pool of the given class.
Method * _resolve_method (Global_Env *env, unsigned cp_index)
 Resolves a method in the constant pool of the given class.
void initialize ()
 Initializes the class.
Field * lookup_field (const String *name, const String *descriptor)
 Looks up the field with specified name and descriptor in the given class only.
Field * lookup_field_recursive (const String *name, const String *descriptor)
 Looks up the field with specified name and descriptor in the given class and also in the super class and super-interfaces recursively.
Method * lookup_method (const String *name, const String *desc)
 Looks up a method with a specified name and descriptor in the given class only.
ManagedObjectallocate_instance ()
 Allocates an instance of the given class and returns a pointer to it.
unsigned calculate_array_size (int length) const
 Calculates a size of the block allocated for the array, which is represented by the given class.
unsigned calculate_size ()
 Estimates the amount of memory allocated for C++ part of the given class.
void register_jit_extended_class_callback (JIT *jit_to_be_notified, void *callback_data)
 Registers a callback that is called to notify the given JIT whenever the given class is extended.
void do_jit_extended_class_callbacks (Class *new_subclass)
 Calls registered JITs callbacks to notify that the given class was extended by new_class.
bool has_source_debug_extension () const
 Checks whether the given class has the SourceDebugExtension attribute.
unsigned get_source_debug_extension_length () const
 Gets length of the SourceDebugExtension attribute.
const char * get_source_debug_extension () const
 Gets data from the SourceDebugExtension attribute.
void set_verification_data (void *data)
 Stores a verifier specific pointer into the given class.
void * get_verification_data ()
 Gets a pointer to verifier specific data, previously stored with the call to set_verification_data.
void lock ()
 Locks access to the given class.
void unlock ()
 Unlocks access to the given class.
void instance_allocated (unsigned size)
 Updates allocation statistics.
void instanceof_slow_path_taken ()
 Updates an instance of slow path statistics.
void class_thrown ()
 Updates throwing statistics for java/lang/Throwable decendants.
void * code_alloc (size_t size, size_t alignment, Code_Allocation_Action action)
 Allocates memory for code from pool of defining classloader for the class.
void initialization_checked ()
 Updates initialization check statistics.
uint64 get_times_allocated () const
 Gets the number of times instance of the given class was allocated.
uint64 get_total_bytes_allocated () const
 Gets the total number of bytes allocated for instances of the given class.
uint64 get_times_instanceof_slow_path_taken () const
 Gets the number of times the slow path of the check instance was taken.
uint64 get_times_thrown () const
 Gets the number of times the given class was thrown.
uint64 get_times_init_checked () const
 Gets the number of times the initialization of the given class was checked by run-time helpers.
uint64 get_total_padding_bytes () const
 Gets the number of excessive bytes used for aligning class fields.

Static Public Member Functions

static size_t get_offset_of_depth ()
 Gets offset of m_depth field in struct Class.
static size_t get_offset_of_fast_instanceof_flag ()
 Gets offset of m_is_suitable_for_fast_instanceof field in struct Class.
static size_t get_offset_of_class_init_checks ()
 Gets an offset of m_num_class_init_checks in the class.
static size_t get_offset_of_array_element_class ()
 Gets an offset of m_array_element_class in the class.
static size_t get_offset_of_jlc_handle ()
 Gets an offset of m_class_handle in the class.
static void * helper_get_interface_vtable (ManagedObject *obj, Class *iid)
 Gets the interface vtable for interface iid within object obj.


struct  Class_Super
struct  InnerClass

Member Function Documentation

void Class.init_internals ( const Global_Env env,
const String name,
ClassLoader *  cl 

Initializes class-member variables to their initial values.

[in] env - VM environment
[in] name - a class name to assign to the given class
[in] cl - a class loader for the given class

void Class.clear_internals (  ) 

Clears member variables within a class.

bool Class.has_super_class (  )  const

Determines whether the given class has a super class.

true if the current class has a super class; otherwise false.

const String* Class.get_super_class_name (  )  const

Gets the name of the super class.

The super class name or NULL, if the given class is java/lang/Object.
It is valid until the super class is loaded; after that, use get_super_class()->get_name() to retrieve the super class name.

Class* Class.get_super_class (  )  const

Gets the super class of the given class.

The super class of the given class or NULL, if the given class is java/lang/Object.

ClassLoader* Class.get_class_loader (  )  const

Gets the class loader of the given class.

the class loader of the given class.

ManagedObject** Class.get_class_handle (  )  const

Gets the class handle of java.lang.Class for the given class.

The java.lang.Class handle for the given class.

const String* Class.get_name (  )  const

Gets the natively interned class name for the given class.

The class name in the VM format.

String* Class.get_java_name (  ) 

Gets a natively interned class name for the given class.

A class name in the Java format.

String* Class.get_signature (  )  const

Gets a class signature.

A class signature.

String* Class.get_simple_name (  ) 

Gets a simple name of the class.

A simple name of the class.

Package* Class.get_package (  )  const

Gets a package containing the given class.

A package to which the given class belongs.

int Class.get_depth (  )  const

Gets depth in the hierarchy of the given class.

A number of classes in the super-class hierarchy.

bool Class.get_fast_instanceof_flag (  )  const

VTable* Class.get_vtable (  )  const

Gets the vtable for the given class.

The vtable for the given class or NULL, if the given class is an interface.

Allocation_Handle Class.get_allocation_handle (  )  const

Gets an allocation handle for the given class.

size_t Class.get_source_file_name_length (  ) 

Gets the length of the source-file name.

The length in bytes of the source-file name.

const char* Class.get_source_file_name (  ) 

Gets a source-file name.

A source-file name for the given class.

Method* Class.get_method_from_vtable ( unsigned  method_idx  )  const

Gets a method localed at method_idx in the m_vtable_descriptors table.

method_idx - index of method in vtable descriptors table
A method from the vtable descriptors table.

unsigned Class.get_number_of_virtual_method_entries (  )  const

Returns the number of virtual methods in vtable.

Class* Class.get_first_child (  )  const

Gets the first subclass for Class Hierarchy Analysis.

The first subclass.

Class* Class.get_next_sibling (  )  const

Return the next sibling for Class Hierarchy Analysis.

The next sibling.

static size_t Class.get_offset_of_depth (  )  [static]

Gets offset of m_depth field in struct Class.

Instanceof helpers use returned offset.

static size_t Class.get_offset_of_fast_instanceof_flag (  )  [static]

Gets offset of m_is_suitable_for_fast_instanceof field in struct Class.

Instanceof helper uses returned offset.

size_t Class.get_offset_of_fast_allocation_flag (  ) 

Gets an offset of m_is_fast_allocation_possible in the class.

Allocation helpers use returned offset.

size_t Class.get_offset_of_allocation_handle (  ) 

Gets an offset of m_allocation_handle in the class.

Allocation helpers use returned offset.

size_t Class.get_offset_of_instance_data_size (  ) 

Gets an offset of m_instance_data_size in the class.

Allocation helpers use returned offset.

static size_t Class.get_offset_of_class_init_checks (  )  [static]

Gets an offset of m_num_class_init_checks in the class.

Class initialization helper on IPF uses returned offset.

static size_t Class.get_offset_of_array_element_class (  )  [static]

Gets an offset of m_array_element_class in the class.

Class initialization helper on IPF uses returned offset.

static size_t Class.get_offset_of_jlc_handle (  )  [static]

Gets an offset of m_class_handle in the class.

It used by VMHelper class

unsigned char Class.get_number_of_dimensions (  )  const

Gets the number of array dimensions.

Number of dimentions in an array represented by this class.

Class* Class.get_array_base_class (  )  const

Gets the base class of the array (for non-primitive arrays only).

Class describing the base type of an array represented by this class.

Class* Class.get_array_element_class (  )  const

Gets the class of the array element.

Class describing the element of an array represented by this class.

TypeDesc* Class.get_array_element_type_desc (  )  const

Gets the array-element type descriptor.

Type descriptor for the element of an array represented by this class.

Class_State Class.get_state (  )  const

Gets the class state.

The class state.

uint16 Class.get_number_of_superinterfaces (  )  const

Gets a number of superinterfaces.

A number of superinterfaces of the given class.

const String* Class.get_superinterface_name ( uint16  index  )  const

Gets a super-interface name from the array of super-interfaces that the given class implements.

[in] index - an index of super-interface to return the name for
The requested super-interface name.

Class* Class.get_superinterface ( uint16  index  )  const

Gets a superinterface from the array of superinterfaces the given class implements.

[in] index - an index of a superinterface to return
A requested superinterface.

ConstantPool& Class.get_constant_pool (  ) 

Gets a constant pool of the given class.

A constant pool of the given class.

uint16 Class.get_number_of_fields (  )  const

Gets a number of fields in the given class.

A number of fields in the given class.

uint16 Class.get_number_of_static_fields (  )  const

Gets a number of static fields in the given class.

A number of static fields in the given class.

Field* Class.get_field ( uint16  index  )  const

Gets a field from the given class by its position in the class-fields array.

[in] index - an index in the class-fields array of a field to retrieve
The requested field.

void* Class.get_static_data_address (  )  const

Gets an address of the memory block containing static data of the given class.

An address of a static data block.

uint16 Class.get_number_of_methods (  )  const

Gets a number of methods in the given class.

A number of methods in the given class.

Method* Class.get_method ( uint16  index  )  const

Gets a method from the given class by its position in the class-method array.

[in] index - an index in the class-method array of a method to retrieve
A requested method.

uint16 Class.get_declaring_class_index (  )  const

Gets a constant-pool index of the declaring class.

An index in the constant pool describing the requested declaring class.

uint16 Class.get_enclosing_class_index (  )  const

Gets a constant-pool index of the enclosing class.

An index in the constant pool describing the requested enclosing class.

uint16 Class.get_enclosing_method_index (  )  const

Gets a constant-pool index of the enclosing method.

An index in the constant pool describing the requested enclosing method.

uint16 Class.get_number_of_inner_classes (  )  const

Gets a number of inner classes.

A number of inner classes.

uint16 Class.get_inner_class_index ( uint16  index  )  const

Gets an index in the constant pool of the given class, which describes the inner class.

[in] index - an index of the inner class in the array of inner classes in the given class
An index in the constant pool describing the requested inner class.

uint16 Class.get_inner_class_access_flags ( uint16  index  )  const

Gets access flags for the inner class.

[in] index - an index of the inner class in the array of inner classes in the given class
Access flags of the requested inner class.

AnnotationTable* Class.get_annotations (  )  const

Gets a collection of annotations.

A collection of annotations.

AnnotationTable* Class.get_invisible_annotations (  )  const

Gets a collection of invisible annotations.

A collection of invisible annotations.

unsigned int Class.get_allocated_size (  )  const

Gets a class instance size.

A size of the allocated instance in bytes.

unsigned int Class.get_instance_data_size (  )  const

unsigned int Class.get_array_element_size (  )  const

Gets the array-alement size.

A size of the array element.
The given function assumes that the class is an array class.

unsigned Class.get_id (  )  const

Gets the class ID.

uint16 Class.get_version (  )  const

Gets major version of class file.

Major version of class file.

uint16 Class.get_access_flags (  )  const

Gets access and properties flags of the given class.

The 16-bit integer representing access and properties flags the given class.

bool Class.is_primitive (  )  const

Checks whether the given class represents the primitive type.

true if the class is primitive; otherwise false.

bool Class.is_array (  )  const

Checks whether the given class represents an array.

true if the given class is an array, otherwise false.

bool Class.is_array_of_primitives (  )  const

Checks whether the base class of the given array is primitive.

true if the base class is primitive, otherwise false.

bool Class.is_public (  )  const

Checks whether the class has the ACC_PUBLIC flag set.

true if the class has the ACC_PUBLIC access flag set.

bool Class.is_private (  )  const

Checks whether the class has the ACC_PUBLIC flag set.

true if the class has the ACC_PUBLIC access flag set.

bool Class.is_protected (  )  const

Checks whether the class has the ACC_PUBLIC flag set.

true if the class has the ACC_PUBLIC access flag set.

bool Class.is_final (  )  const

Checks whether the class has the ACC_FINAL flag set.

true if the class has the ACC_FINAL access flag set.

bool Class.is_super (  )  const

Checks whether the class has the ACC_SUPER flag set.

true if the class has the ACC_SUPER access flag set.

bool Class.is_interface (  )  const

Checks whether the class has the ACC_INTERFACE flag set.

true if the class has the ACC_INTERFACE access flag set.

bool Class.is_abstract (  )  const

Checks whether the class has the ACC_ABSTRACT flag set.

true if the class has the ACC_ABSTRACT access flag set.

bool Class.is_enum (  )  const

Checks whether the class is enum, that is the ACC_ENUM flag is set.

true if the class is enum.

bool Class.is_synthetic (  )  const

Checks whether the class has the ACC_SYNTHETIC flag set.

true if the class has the ACC_SYNTHETIC access flag set.

bool Class.is_annotation (  )  const

Checks whether the class is an annotation.

true if the class is an annotation.

bool Class.has_finalizer (  )  const

Checks whether the given class has a finalizer.

true if the given class (or its super class) has a finalize method; otherwise false.

bool Class.is_inner_class (  )  const

Checks whether the given class is an inner class of some other class.

true if the given class is an inner class of some other class, otherwise false.

bool Class.can_access_inner_class ( Global_Env env,
Class inner_class 

Checks whether the given class can access inner_class.

[in] env - VM environment
[in] inner_class - an inner class to check access to
true if the given class has access to the inner class; otherwise false.

bool Class.can_access_member ( Class_Member *  member  ) 

Checks whether the given class can access a member class.

[in] member - a class member to check access to
true if the given class can access a member class; otherwise false.

bool Class.has_source_information (  )  const

Checks whether the given class has a source-file name available.

true if source file name is available for the given class; otherwise false.

bool Class.is_initializing (  )  const

Checks whether the given class is in the process of initialization.

true if the class initialization method is executed; otherwise false.

bool Class.is_initialized (  )  const

Checks whether the class is initialized.

true if the class is initialized; otherwise false.

bool Class.in_error (  )  const

Checks whether the class is in the error state.

true if the class is in the error state; otherwise false.

bool Class.is_at_least_prepared (  )  const

Checks whether the given class has a passed preparation stage.

true if the class has a passed preparation stage; otherwise false.

bool Class.is_instanceof ( Class clss  ) 

Checks whether the given class represents a class that is a subtype of clss, according to the Java instance of rules.

[in] clss - a class to check for being super relative
true if the given class represents a class that is a subtype of clss, otherwise false.

void Class.set_class_file_name ( const char *  cf_name  ) 

FIXME: all setter functions must be rethought to become private or to be removed altogether, if possible.

Sets the name of a file from which the given class has been loaded.

[in] cf_name - a class-file name

void Class.set_instance_data_size_constraint_bit (  ) 

Sets instance data size constraint bit to let the allocation know there are constraints on the way instance should be allocated.

Constaints are recorded in the class_properties field of the class VTable.

void Class.set_class_handle ( ManagedObject **  oh  ) 

Sets a class handle of java.lang.Class for the given class.

[in] oh - a class handle of java.lang.Class

bool Class.parse ( Global_Env env,
ByteReader &  cfs 

Constructs internal representation of a class from the byte array (defines class).

[in] env - VM environment
[in] cfs - a class-file stream; byte array contaning class data

bool Class.load_ancestors ( Global_Env env  ) 

Loads a super class and super interfaces of the given class.

The given class's class loader is used for it.

[in] env - VM environment

bool Class.verify ( const Global_Env env  ) 

Verifies bytecodes of the class.

[in] env - VM environment
true if bytecodes of a class were successfully verified; otherwise false.

bool Class.verify_constraints ( const Global_Env env  ) 

Verifies constraints for the given class collected during the bytecodes verification.

[in] env - VM environment
true if constraints successfully pass verification; otherwise false.

void Class.setup_as_primitive ( ClassLoader *  cl  ) 

Setups the given class as representing a primitive type.

[in] cl - a class loader the given class belongs to
FIXME: cl is always a bootstrap class loader for primitive types. Retrieve the bootstrap class loader from VM environment here, not one level up the calling stack.

void Class.setup_as_array ( Global_Env env,
unsigned char  num_dimensions,
bool  isArrayOfPrimitives,
Class baseClass,
Class elementClass 

Sets up the given class as representing an array.

[in] env - VM environment
[in] num_dimentions - a number of dimentions this array has
[in] isArrayOfPrimitives - does this array is an array of primitives
[in] baseClass - base class of this array; for example, for [[[Ljava/lang/String; base class is java/lang/String
[in] elementClass - class representing element of this array; for example, for [[I, element the class is [I
For single-dimentional arrays baseClass and elementClass are the same.

bool Class.prepare ( Global_Env env  ) 

Prepares a class:.

  1. assigns offsets:
    • the offset of instance data fields
    • virtual methods in a vtable
    • static data fields in a static data block
  2. creates a class vtable
  3. creates a static field block
  4. creates a static method block
[in] env - vm environment
true if the class was successfully prepared; otherwise false.

Class* Class._resolve_class ( Global_Env env,
unsigned  cp_index 

Resolves a constant-pool entry to a class.

Loads a class if neccessary.

[in] env - VM environment
[in] cp_index - a constant-pool index of CONSTANT_Class to resolve
A resolved class, if a resolution attempt succeeds; otherwise NULL.
Should become private as soon as wrappers become members of the struct Class.

Class* Class.resolve_declaring_class ( Global_Env env  ) 

Resolves a declaring class.

A declaring class, if the given class is inner class of some other class and if the resolution was successful; otherwise NULL.

Field* Class._resolve_field ( Global_Env env,
unsigned  cp_index 

Resolves a field in the constant pool of the given class.

[in] env - VM environment
[in] cp_index - an index of an entry in the constant pool, which describes field to be resolved
A resolved field, if a resolution attempt succeeds; otherwise NULL.
Should become private as soon as wrappers become members of the struct Class.

Method* Class._resolve_method ( Global_Env env,
unsigned  cp_index 

Resolves a method in the constant pool of the given class.

[in] env - VM environment
[in] cp_index - an index of an entry in the constant pool, which describes method to be resolved
A resolved method, if a resolution attempt succeeds; otherwise NULL.
Should become private as soon as wrappers become members of the struct Class.

void Class.initialize (  ) 

Initializes the class.

[in] throw_exception - defines whether the exception should be thrown or raised
The given method may raise exception, if an error occurs during the initialization of the class.

Field* Class.lookup_field ( const String name,
const String descriptor 

Looks up the field with specified name and descriptor in the given class only.

[in] name - the field name to look up for
[in] desc - the field descriptor to look up for
The looked up field if found in the given class, otherwise NULL.

Field* Class.lookup_field_recursive ( const String name,
const String descriptor 

Looks up the field with specified name and descriptor in the given class and also in the super class and super-interfaces recursively.

[in] name - field name to look up for
[in] desc - field descriptor to look up for
The looked up field if found, NULL otherwise

Method* Class.lookup_method ( const String name,
const String desc 

Looks up a method with a specified name and descriptor in the given class only.

[in] name - a method name to look up for
[in] desc - a method descriptor to look up for
The looked-up method, if found in the given class; otherwise NULL.

ManagedObject* Class.allocate_instance (  ) 

Allocates an instance of the given class and returns a pointer to it.

A managed pointer to the allocated class instance; NULL, if no memory is available and OutOfMemoryError exception is raised on a caller thread.

unsigned Class.calculate_array_size ( int  length  )  const

Calculates a size of the block allocated for the array, which is represented by the given class.

[in] length the length of the array
The size of the array of specified length in bytes, or 0 if the size is too big.

unsigned Class.calculate_size (  ) 

Estimates the amount of memory allocated for C++ part of the given class.

The size of memory allocated for the given class.

static void* Class.helper_get_interface_vtable ( ManagedObject obj,
Class iid 
) [static]

Gets the interface vtable for interface iid within object obj.

[in] obj - an object to retrieve an interface table entry from
[in] iid - an interface class to retrieve vtable for
An interface vtable from object; NULL, if no such interface exists for the object.

void Class.register_jit_extended_class_callback ( JIT *  jit_to_be_notified,
void *  callback_data 

Registers a callback that is called to notify the given JIT whenever the given class is extended.

The callback_data pointer will be passed back to the JIT during the callback. The JIT's callback function is JIT_extended_class_callback.

[in] jit_to_be_notified - JIT to notify on extending the class
[in] callback_data - data to be passed back to JIT, when the callback is called

void Class.do_jit_extended_class_callbacks ( Class new_subclass  ) 

Calls registered JITs callbacks to notify that the given class was extended by new_class.

[in] new_subclass - a subclass extending the given class

bool Class.has_source_debug_extension (  )  const

Checks whether the given class has the SourceDebugExtension attribute.

true if the SourceDebugExtension attribute is available for the given class; otherwise false.

unsigned Class.get_source_debug_extension_length (  )  const

Gets length of the SourceDebugExtension attribute.

The SourceDebugExtension attribute length.

const char* Class.get_source_debug_extension (  )  const

Gets data from the SourceDebugExtension attribute.

SourceDebugExtension attribute bytes.

void Class.set_verification_data ( void *  data  ) 

Stores a verifier specific pointer into the given class.

[in] data - a verifier specific data pointer

void* Class.get_verification_data (  ) 

Gets a pointer to verifier specific data, previously stored with the call to set_verification_data.

A pointer to verifier specific data or NULL, if none was set.

void Class.lock (  ) 

Locks access to the given class.

void Class.unlock (  ) 

Unlocks access to the given class.

void Class.instance_allocated ( unsigned  size  ) 

Updates allocation statistics.

[in] size - a size of an allocated instance

void Class.instanceof_slow_path_taken (  ) 

Updates an instance of slow path statistics.

void Class.class_thrown (  ) 

Updates throwing statistics for java/lang/Throwable decendants.

void* Class.code_alloc ( size_t  size,
size_t  alignment,
Code_Allocation_Action  action 

Allocates memory for code from pool of defining classloader for the class.

void Class.initialization_checked (  ) 

Updates initialization check statistics.

uint64 Class.get_times_allocated (  )  const

Gets the number of times instance of the given class was allocated.

The number of allocations of the given class.

uint64 Class.get_total_bytes_allocated (  )  const

Gets the total number of bytes allocated for instances of the given class.

The number of bytes allocated for all instances of the given class.

uint64 Class.get_times_instanceof_slow_path_taken (  )  const

Gets the number of times the slow path of the check instance was taken.

The number of times the slow path was taken.

uint64 Class.get_times_thrown (  )  const

Gets the number of times the given class was thrown.

The number of times the given class was thrown.

uint64 Class.get_times_init_checked (  )  const

Gets the number of times the initialization of the given class was checked by run-time helpers.

The number of times initialization of the given class was checked.

uint64 Class.get_total_padding_bytes (  )  const

Gets the number of excessive bytes used for aligning class fields.

A number of excessive bytes used for aligning class fields.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Genereated on Tue Mar 11 19:25:25 2008 by Doxygen.

(c) Copyright 2005, 2008 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors, as applicable.