_OpenInstanceAllocator Struct Reference

#include <compmgr.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

The private component interface used by a component manager to allocate and dispose instances.

Public Attributes

int(* CreateInstance )(OpenInstanceHandle *p_instance, apr_pool_t *pool)
 The component provides a constructor-like method for instance initialization which is called by component manager when a new instance is created.
int(* FreeInstance )(OpenInstanceHandle instance)
 Free memory and other resources for a given instance.

Member Data Documentation

int(* _OpenInstanceAllocator.CreateInstance)(OpenInstanceHandle *p_instance, apr_pool_t *pool)

The component provides a constructor-like method for instance initialization which is called by component manager when a new instance is created.

[out] p_instance on return, points to handle of a new instance
pool created by a component manager for a lifetime of the instance, the component could use the pool for allocation
APR_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise a non-zero error code

int(* _OpenInstanceAllocator.FreeInstance)(OpenInstanceHandle instance)

Free memory and other resources for a given instance.

instance a handle of an instance to free
APR_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise a non-zero error code

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