log_macro.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Basic logging is used during startup.


#define EXPAND_(a)   # a
 Macro expansion.
#define EXPAND(a)   EXPAND_(a)
#define LOG_FILELINE   __FILE__ ":" EXPAND(__LINE__)
 Concatenate the file name and the line number.
#define LOG_HEAD   ":" LOG_FILELINE ": "
 Create a log message header.
#define ABORT(message)
 Lightweight implementation for error handling.
#define LOG_DEBUG_F(printf_args)   printf printf_args
 Lightweight macro to replace a standard C assert().
#define LOG_ASSERT(assertion, message)

Define Documentation

#define EXPAND_ (  )     # a

Macro expansion.

It is used, for example, to combine a filename and a line number in __FILELINE__ macro.

#define EXPAND (  )     EXPAND_(a)

#define LOG_FILELINE   __FILE__ ":" EXPAND(__LINE__)

Concatenate the file name and the line number.

#define LOG_HEAD   ":" LOG_FILELINE ": "

Create a log message header.

#define ABORT ( message   ) 


{ \
    fprintf(stderr, "Internal error" LOG_HEAD message); \
    fflush(stderr); \
    abort(); \
Lightweight implementation for error handling.

It prints a simple string message to stderr and exits the program. This macro call should be used when logging subsystem is not yet fully initialized.

#define LOG_DEBUG_F ( printf_args   )     printf printf_args

Lightweight macro to replace a standard C assert().

#define LOG_ASSERT ( assertion,
message   ) 


{ \
        if (!(assertion)) { \
            ABORT("Assert failed" message # assertion); \
        } \

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