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This document introduces the Native Code Access Interface and its implementation inside the DRL virtual machine.
Some Java* applications need to access native code via the Java* Native Interface (JNI) [1] to access native code. Common Java* debuggers, such as Eclipse* and NetBeans* debuggers, do not fully support debugging native code written in programming languages like C/C++. Some techniques, like the CDT plugin for Eclipse*, are used for debugging native code in Java* applications, but all of them have their own limitations.
Native Code Access Interface (NCAI) is a different approach to debugging JNI code in Java* applications. Together with JVMTI [2] it provides in-process debugging of both JIT-compiled and interpreted Java* bytecode, and native JNI code.
NCAI interface is a JVMTI-like interface exposed by DRLVM through a JVMTI extension. See detailed NCAI description for interface details.
The Eclipse* plugin utilizing NCAI interface is available at Intel* What If site [3]. This plugin supports Java* and C/C++, and builds into Eclipse* IDE re-using JDT and CDT debug views.
Examples of NCAI usage can be found in NCAI tests sources: trunk/drlvm/vm/tests/ncai.
The current NCAI implementation supports x86 architecture; some features are available on x86_64.
Main NCAI features implemented for now:
NCAI is implemented as a part of DRLVM. The source code is generally located in the trunk/drlvm/vm/vmcore/src/ncai directory, with platform-dependent code in 'utils' subdirectory.
In addition to standalone code, NCAI includes code and changes in other parts of DRLVM, specifically:
signal is shared between
NCAI threading and port_thread_yield_other()
Known issues and limitations in the current NCAI implementation include:
This section lists the resources used in this document and other related documents.
[1] Java* Native Interface Specification,
[2] JVM Tool Interface Specification,
[3] Intel* What If site,
* Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.